October 7 - October 11, 2024

January 24, 2025
Greetings to All of our Spur Families,
Please know that you are now able to access the 1st semester's report cards and grades in Skyward. If you have any questions or concerns about grades, please contact your child's teacher. We had a "glitch" in our system, so we apologize for just realizing our report cards were not yet published for you.
A special thank you goes to all of you who supported the Spurs this week for Science Night and for our kindergarten and 4th grade field trips on Thursday. A special thank you to the teachers and staff who supported our night of science learning. Also, a special thank you to the organizers of our field trips and for the chaperones. We appreciate all the opportunities for our children.
A shoutout to our Spur PTA for the "hot chocolate" treat for our students on today. Everyone really enjoyed the treat. If you have not yet joined our Spur PTA, please take time today to join. This organization is a great support for our children and staff.
Quick reminder--Picture Retakes are on Wednesday, January 29. We will also be taking pictures of our "new students" who arrived after the fall picture date. There is more information below. Also, January 29th is the 100th DAY OF SCHOOL!!
PVMS Counselors will be on our campus on January 31 to talk to our 5th graders about 6th grade course selection. They will need a parent signature on their course selection form before they submit it for next year. Please have them return it to school once it has been signed by you.
All 5th graders are invited to attend a parent information session on Monday, February 3 at 6 pm in the PVMS cafeteria.
If you have any questions or needs, please feel free to reach out to our administration team. We are here to serve!
Spur Proud,
Mrs. Liz Hatley and Dr. Linda Parker, Interim Principals, and Mrs. Destiny Womack, Assistant Principal
✅Check this out!✅
Picture Retake Information
Dear Parents,
Fall Individual Retake Pictures will be taken at Comanche Springs Elementary on Wednesday, January 29th. If your child missed the original picture day or needs a retake, make sure to let their teacher know in writing (email or handwritten note) that you would like to have a Retake Picture made. This is your opportunity to have their picture taken for the yearbook.
A Proof Flyer will be sent home approximately three to four weeks following picture day with your child’s Fall yearbook retake image as well as ordering instructions. Prints can be ordered by visiting our website and selecting your school’s gallery page at www.cjpphoto.com. You will use the online access code provided on your child’s proof flyer to access the gallery. Prints will be delivered to the school free of charge.
Thank you for the opportunity to photograph your child.
CJP Photography
Jenna Hill, 3rd Grader, Researcher of The Barringer Crater
3rd Graders Research Topics for Mrs. Blakeley's Class
Adalyn Steele, 3rd Grader, Researcher of Bodies of Water
Dates to Remember: January and February
Monday, January 27-Friday, January 31--Kindness Week Dress-up Days--See below.
Wednesday, January 29--Picture Retakes and for New Students to CSES & 100th DAY of SCHOOL!
Thursday, January 30--
- Hat and PJ Day Fundraiser--Pay $1 to wear hat or pjs to school (students and staff)
February 3-7--Celebrate our Spur Counselor for Counseling Week--See the Counseling Corner info below.
Monday, February 3--Prairie Vista Middle School Open House for 5th Graders and Parents (see flyer).
Tuesday, Feb. 4--Math Family Night--5:30-7:00
Friday, Feb. 7--Lil' Date Knight--See flyer Below from EMHS! Great opportunity!
Tuesday, Feb. 11: Reading Interim for 3-5 grades (Practice Test for STAAR)--No visitors on
campus, and at 6 pm --2nd Grade Choir Performance in the Cafeteria
Dyslexia Parent Information Meeting at the Hollenstein Center--See flyer below.
Friday, Feb. 14--Early Release Day
House Rally--8:00 AM
Valentine Day's Parties -- 10:45
Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 19 and 20: TELPAS Testing for 3rd-5th Graders
The Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) is an English language proficiency assessment aligned to the Texas English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). This assessment is designed to assess the progress that emergent bilingual (EB) students make in learning the English language. TELPAS fulfills ESSA requirements for assessing EB students in kindergarten through grade 12 in four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Tuesday, February 25: Honor Choir will be performing at the district music festival
Thursday, February 27--EMS ISD STEM Showcase (More information to come.)
EMHS is offering a great time for elementary students in their feeder patterns!
From Your PTA
Valentine Grams are on sale through February 7! You can send a Valentine gram to your student, or your student can send to a friend! Teachers and staff will receive a flower! None will be accepted after the due date!
School Calendar for 2025-2026 Approved!
Mrs. Taylor's Counseling Corner
Kindness Week January 27-31
SPUR Staff Shout Outs
House Chants
We encourage every child and staff member to dress in their house colors every Friday.
Students can practice their house chants at home! Please click on your student's house crest below:
Menu of the Week
Last Minute Changes in Dismissal/Transportation
Please call the office before 2pm for last minute changes to your child's dismissal.
A Note from Coach Gadberry
Coach Gadberry is asking that students please wear tennis shoes on their scheduled PE day. Please see the teacher’s PE dates below:
YMCA Afterschool/School's Out Care
Bus Transportation
Comanche Springs Elementary is a Title 1 School
Comanche Springs Elementary
Interim Principal: Liz Hatley and Dr. Linda ParkerAsst. Principal: Destiny Womack
Main Office: Anel Cruz
Attendance: Please see Tabatha Stevenson or Anel Cruz for your needs.
Website: https://www.emsisd.com/comanchespringselem
Location: 8100 Comanche Springs Drive
Phone: (817) 847-8700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/comanchespringselem